Just Scream!

Keep screaming. More importantly, keep listening.

Screams from February 2, 2021

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This is just a sample of the many screams recorded on February 2, 2021. Follow the links below to explore more screams from this day.

Want to find your own scream? Email [email protected] with your phone number for a link to your screams to get a list of your recordings.

β–Ά Scream #137004 0:04 UTC 2s πŸ”—
β–Ά Scream #137001 0:59 UTC 9s πŸ”—
β–Ά Scream #136994 2:10 UTC 7s πŸ”—
β–Ά Scream #136984 4:51 UTC 5s πŸ”—
β–Ά Scream #136981 5:58 UTC 22s πŸ”—
β–Ά Scream #136977 6:48 UTC 66s πŸ”—
β–Ά Scream #136975 7:02 UTC 17s πŸ”—
β–Ά Scream #136968 8:56 UTC 3s πŸ”—
β–Ά Scream #136967 9:17 UTC 4s πŸ”—
β–Ά Scream #136964 9:44 UTC 8s πŸ”—
β–Ά Scream #136954 11:55 UTC 2s πŸ”—
β–Ά Scream #136952 12:17 UTC 35s πŸ”—
β–Ά Scream #136948 13:01 UTC 2s πŸ”—
β–Ά Scream #136941 15:03 UTC 5s πŸ”—
β–Ά Scream #136939 15:29 UTC 2s πŸ”—
β–Ά Scream #136933 16:40 UTC 9s πŸ”—
β–Ά Scream #136931 17:02 UTC 2s πŸ”—
β–Ά Scream #136930 17:07 UTC 4s πŸ”—
β–Ά Scream #136920 18:27 UTC 4s πŸ”—
β–Ά Scream #136913 19:02 UTC 4s πŸ”—
β–Ά Scream #136909 20:00 UTC 5s πŸ”—
β–Ά Scream #136907 20:12 UTC 2s πŸ”—
β–Ά Scream #136894 21:14 UTC 31s πŸ”—
β–Ά Scream #136890 21:28 UTC 31s πŸ”—
β–Ά Scream #136873 23:54 UTC 5s πŸ”—

What’s the deal?

Learn more

So can I call and scream right now?

The original Just Scream project closed on January 21, 2021. New ways to scream are coming soon!

What about my privacy?

We can see your phone number when you call but will never share it with anyone. Read the Privacy Policy for more details.

Why should I call you?

To scream! You might be unhappy, terrified, frustrated, or elated. All of these are perfectly good reasons to call and record yourself screaming.

Can I do this in public?

Please do this in public. Except not, perhaps, in a crowded theater.

Find Your Own Screams

Email [email protected] with your phone number to get a list of your own screams.

Who made this?

A teacher, occasional artist, and generally rather quiet person named Chris Gollmar.

Learn more

All Other Inquiries

Review the Terms of Service.

If you’re curious, read the development notes and open source credits.

Contact us at [email protected] with any comments or questions.

Follow us on Instagram: @justscream.baby